I am statistician, and I am also involved with happiness research. This indicator is the best combination to use both of my skills. The first time I went to this conference, It was like I was in heaven! Ok, Ok. Let's focus on today's topic which is preparing an jaw dropping presentations and where to post them, so people can enjoy it. I cannot go around sending my presentation via email (that's so 2009)....ha ha ha ...Here are the things to consider:
1. Length of the presentation. Short presentations are more effective. The average attention span for an adult is 20 minutes. But wait a minute. This is true if you are present for the presentation. But in my case I will be sending this short presentation. My average attention span to an email is 15 seconds (sorry guys!). Actually, that's average for most of us. I think that one minute presentation will be enough, and no more than two minutes.
2. Topic. This will be a research presentation, so I will follow the four golden questions (according to my friend Bran Vander Zahen). In fact, he wrote a pretty good article about presentations, you can read it at
3. Design. color, letter size, sounds, and others. My best advice, be sure that people can read it without hurting their eyes!!
4. How to share it? Well that depends on your preferences and needs. There are so many websites that offer their services, for example:
You have to pick one of them. Apparently, today, the most popular is slideshare (see this article http://www.appappeal.com/app/slideshare/) but I have used all of them with no complaints. Some of them are FREE (that's what I like!) and some of them you need to pay a fee. You can always convert your powerpoint to a video and then post it on www.teachertube.com (free), which is appropriate if your material is teaching related.
5. What if you want to do something else besides a simple presentation?
Well, then you can play with several presentation apps such as the ones in this website: http://www.appappeal.com/apps/presentation/, which includes the popular prezi and others. --Wow, too many options, right? I feel like a kid in a candy store (it is just saying because as a kid, I was not really into candies!).
ok. Now with this overwhelming information, it is your choice on what tools you will use to make the best presentation possible. My advice: Be wild!