I am statistician, and I am also involved with happiness research. This indicator is the best combination to use both of my skills. The first time I went to this conference, It was like I was in heaven! Ok, Ok. Let's focus on today's topic which is preparing an jaw dropping presentations and where to post them, so people can enjoy it. I cannot go around sending my presentation via email (that's so 2009)....ha ha ha ...Here are the things to consider:
1. Length of the presentation. Short presentations are more effective. The average attention span for an adult is 20 minutes. But wait a minute. This is true if you are present for the presentation. But in my case I will be sending this short presentation. My average attention span to an email is 15 seconds (sorry guys!). Actually, that's average for most of us. I think that one minute presentation will be enough, and no more than two minutes.
2. Topic. This will be a research presentation, so I will follow the four golden questions (according to my friend Bran Vander Zahen). In fact, he wrote a pretty good article about presentations, you can read it at
3. Design. color, letter size, sounds, and others. My best advice, be sure that people can read it without hurting their eyes!!
4. How to share it? Well that depends on your preferences and needs. There are so many websites that offer their services, for example:
You have to pick one of them. Apparently, today, the most popular is slideshare (see this article http://www.appappeal.com/app/slideshare/) but I have used all of them with no complaints. Some of them are FREE (that's what I like!) and some of them you need to pay a fee. You can always convert your powerpoint to a video and then post it on www.teachertube.com (free), which is appropriate if your material is teaching related.
5. What if you want to do something else besides a simple presentation?
Well, then you can play with several presentation apps such as the ones in this website: http://www.appappeal.com/apps/presentation/, which includes the popular prezi and others. --Wow, too many options, right? I feel like a kid in a candy store (it is just saying because as a kid, I was not really into candies!).
ok. Now with this overwhelming information, it is your choice on what tools you will use to make the best presentation possible. My advice: Be wild!
Here is the link to my PowerPoint lesson:
This would be an 11th grade lesson, with ages ranging from 15 - 18 years old.
The presentation is about how the model of the atom has changed over time, and also includes some basic information concerning protons, neutrons, and electrons, all of which are found inside of the atom. The goal of this lesson is for students to be able to identify the scientists that contributed to the evolution of atomic theory and explain their contributions. In addition, they will be able to describe the three subatomic particles.
Some features to look out for:
- Slide 2: The pictures in the timeline are links that bring you to the specific scientist and his contributions. Each scientist slide has a home action button that links back to the timeline.
- Slide 5: Contains a great link to Rutherford's Gold Foil Experiment. Includes an excellent explanation along with a visual.
- Slides 8 and 11: Videos about the origin of atomic theory and the basic structure of the atom.
- Slide 10: If you click on the middle proton, the middle neutron, and the top electron in the diagram, information about that particle appears in the chart.
- Slide 12: Includes a link to a practice quiz also made in PowerPoint. It consists of matching, multiple choice questions, and short answer questions.
- Slide 14: Audio of "The Atom Song" which reviews all of the information about the five scientists included in this lesson.
Many of these features cannot be seen by clicking the link above, but can be seen in the actual file. Hope you enjoy!
Excellent Work!!!...Congratulations!...I enjoy it tremendously
DeleteHere is the link to my revised PowerPoint lesson:
The videos on slides 8 and 11 are now links and not embedded into the presentation.
There is no longer a link to the practice quiz, it is now included in the lesson.
Also, audio of "The Atom Song" is now on slide 25.
Here is the link to my Powerpoint lesson:
I really found out how amazing the sound and the video are so great on the site! I was trying really hard to upload my powerpoint presentation into a video, but it does cost some money. The grade of the lesson is geared towards third grade and the age range is from 9 to 10 years old. I honestly feel that this presentation may work with any age group, but the age group I chose I feel is the best. Bullying is becoming a huge problem in schools today and so why not start from nice and early in the year to warn students and inform the students on ways we can improve the situation. The topic is centered around the bucket filler and it mentions how and why it will be used in the classroom throughout the school year. The goals of this lesson are to have students get along with each other and also allow independence from the student to monitor how he/she is behaving towards others: they would be either a "bucket filler or a "bucket dipper". I tried to make all my slides interesting and entertaining. Each slide has a different transition and a different tune. On the last page, I have decided to include a bibliography of all the websites I did go on to find the pictures and the clipart. Overall, the powerpoint consists of 11 slides. I used authorstream for the first time, but I have fallen in love with it. My regular powerpoint felt like a movie once placed on authorstream!! I loved it!!!
-Sophia Panagos
DeleteThis presentation is meant for 10th or 11th grade English. This presentation is a lesson on William Shakespeare. It can be either a one or two day lesson, depending on how the class goes. The goal is for the students to have at least a basic understand of who William Shakespeare was, his life, and his works. It can be used a mini-unit on Shakespeare or as a lead in lesson for reading one of Shakespeare's plays. The lesson covers some key elements of Shakespeare's life, the Globe Theatre, a list of Shakespeare's plays and sonnets, how Shakespeare still influences literature and entertainment today, and the language used during the Elizabethan era. The presentation also outlines a project based on what the students learn about William Shakespeare.
Slide 1: animated question marks
Slides 2 and 3: embedded YouTube videos
Slide 4: hyperlink to website
Slides 5 and 6: animated arrows
Slide 9: table
Slide 10: hyperlink to website
Slide 11: embedded YouTube video
Slides 15 and 17: hyperlinks to websites
Slides 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10: multiple transitions
Fun Presentation Sophia!!... Excellent Job in Shakespeare, Meaghan!
DeleteFinally! Here is the link to my presentation:
I used Prezi for the first time! I've only seen it used one other time but I loved how it looked and I was dared to try it out. I never pass up a dare! It took me a while to perfect it and it certainly took me much longer than a regular PowerPoint presentation, however, I think it is much more satisfying from a learners perspective to see!
This is an introductory lesson to Ancient Rome. It is for a 6th grade class, which are ages 11-13. The main goal of this presentation is to provide an overview of a new chapter in social studies. Each of the slides are highlights of Ancient Rome. The idea is to let the students know about what we will be covering, and then go into more detail throughout the unit.
The one thing I did not like about Prezi is that you cannot play sounds in the presentation. They are a fairly new site and they are working on adding that to their bells and whistles, but it is not available yet. I do love that you can directly load a YouTube video into the presentation without it being a link. With that being said, here are some things to look out for:
Slide 1 is a zoomed out view of all the slides, and my title page.
Slides 4 and 7 are videos
Slide 10 Look at the Big cloud first, then click on the Medium cloud, then in open space (to bring you back) and finally the Small cloud. (I was trying out some of their interesting features here)
Slide 11 gives a list of hyperlinks for websites
Slide 12 is my copyright slide.
Enjoy! Please tell me what you think, it was my first time doing it and I'm curious to see what people think.
Tammy Trinchetto
What a great job!....It caught my attention, and I am sure It will caught the attention of your students. I have to add one plus of using Prezi, the next "slide" waits until you finish watching the movie!...other platforms, goes on, and when you came back it is in a different slide. Hope they add sounds soon!
DeleteMy presentation was done using powerpoint. I have always just done basic powerpoints, so It was fun trying out some of the new things I have learned so far. I have never used hyperlinks in my presentations in the past, or linked a video. I was beyond happy when they both worked!!
ReplyDeleteMy powerpoint was made for 3 grade and I feel can be used for ages 7 through 10. This is to be used as a introduction to a unit on Australia, introducing students to a avriety of information to start. At the end of this presentation, students should be able to identify the capital of Australia, who the original people were, Australia's nickname, and where it is located. Here is the link to my presentation, check it out and let me know what you think...anything you liked or I could have done to improve. http://www.authorstream.com/Presentation/lxp10-1441179-australia/
Some slide I really like and think the students will enjoy are:Slides 4 and 5: they give the students words we commonly use and what word Australian's use for that word. (I bet some students will be using those words after learning them)
Slide 6: Definitely check out the video of The Great Barrier Reef!!! So beautiful and so much to see.
Slide 7: I like the like to all the animals that can be found in Australia. There are some there that I have never heard of and found very interesting to look at.
Slide 10: Everybody likes to learn some fun facts, not just your typical everyday facts.
Slide 11: just a quick check to see what the students remember.
Slide 12: Is my bibliography that you can just click on the links and it brings you straight to the page I got the information from.
This was my first time uploading my powerpoint to another website. I must confess, I was getting a little frustrated. I used authorstream and when I tried to upload my file, I kept getting a message that my video was not compatible and may be changed to work with this system and the font too. It took a bit to upload but it finally did. When I looked at it, I only noticed some minor things that appeared different. For example: on my slides that have sound, the sound icon is visible, but when I play it on my computer, it doesn't show...weird.
I hope you all like my powerpoint!
Lisa :)
Nice, I am ready to pack and visit Australia
DeleteMy presentation is geared for 4th-5th graders, ages 9-10 (mainly because the American Revolution is visited during those school years).
DeleteCheck out the hyperlink on Slide 5!!
The main goal for students is to understand the main highlights of the American Revolution. There were an overwhelmingly large number of battles fought during this war and for students to retain information, the key events are the most important. The presentation also highlights some key people involved. Students should be able to walk away with a basic understanding of the Revolutionary War and list some facts about it. They should be able to engage in conversation about the War with others.
I enjoyed this powerpoint as I played around with new tools to enhance my presentation moreso than I normally do. Here is the link: http://www.slideshare.net/nicteach1109/the-american-revolution-13316974
I hope you all like it! Thanks!
Here is a link to my presentation:
This presentation is about the Iroquois. The presentation is for fourth graders, ages nine to ten. According to the Common Core Standards, a fourth grader should know how the Iroquois lived, including their food, clothing, and shelter. The main goal would be for students to write an essay incorporating those three things. To incorporate literacy, I also included the importance of story telling in their culture. The presentation was done using Microsoft PowerPoint.
I enjoyed enhancing my presentation. Every slide has many animations and sounds to go with it, as well as transitions. I did my best to make it interesting and more entertaining.
On slide 5, clicking on the headdress will take you to a clip on youtube.com. On slide 10, there are five different pictures. Each one (when clicked) will make an Iroquois story come up on your screen.
I hope you like it!
In addition, here is the link for authorstream:
More of the animations and sounds can be seen this way.
This comment has been removed by the author.
Deletegreat presentation. The video you chose from discovery was excellent. The presentation is full of useful information and very colorful. It looks better in author stream. You make learning fun!
Here is the link to my presentation:
This presentation is about President's Day. Abraham Lincoln and George Washington play a huge role in the celebration of President's Day. The presentation is for third grade students who will compare and contrast the two presidents using resources. The slideshow features a few facts and two videos about the presidents. The students will use this information and a venn diagram to compare and contrast these two presidents. This is the beginning of learning about President's Day and it will also activate the students prior knowledge about our two famous presidents. I used Microsoft Powerpoint to complete my presentation and slideshare to add music and a video on President's Day.
I enjoy your presentation like little kid. It was fun, and I am sure kids will retain the facts with those videos and the information provided in the powerpoint. Good job!
DeleteHello Professor,
ReplyDeleteHere is the link to my presentation:
The Presentation is about Martin Luther King Jr. The presentation is for a third grade class and will discuss the life and accomplishments of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. who worked tirelessly to fight for the civil rights of African American people. This presentation will help students to better understand who King was, what he did, and why we celebrate him today. This is someone we continue to celebrate today and students' will be able to learn about him and appreciate his efforts to make this world better and equal for all people.
Check it out!!
On Slide 2 & 6: I have a youtube video of a short 5 minute biography on Dr. King's life and on slide 6, a video of the civil righs movement. The students will be able to enjoy this video because it's short, and to the point. They also have a visual based on the information of the slide.
Slides 3, 7, 8: These slides include audio snippets that showcase the slide. These audios bring animation to the presentation. Also, for slide 8, I recorded a snippet of Dr. King's "I Have A Dream" speech.
Samantha you did a great job, It was careful prepared and will give the students incredible and vivid information about Martin Luther king. Let me know if you used it this year, and the effects. great job.
DeleteAlso professor,
ReplyDeleteThe age range for this presentation is 8-12 years old.
This presentation is intended for a fourth grade science class with students ages 9-10 years old. The presentation is about ecosystems, food webs and food chains. It includes vocabulary and definitions for important words in the unit. The goal of the lesson is for the student to be able to identify the main aspects of an ecosystem as well as the organisms and their role they play in the ecosystem. The goals and objectives for this lesson are aligned to New York State Standards as follows:
ReplyDeleteContent Standards: Standard 4: The Living Environment Students will understand and apply scientific concepts, principles, and theories pertaining to the physical setting and living environment and recognize the historical development of ideas in science.
Key Idea 6: Plants and animals depend on each other and their physical environment.
Performance Indicator 6.1: Describe how plants and animals, including humans, depend upon each other and the nonliving environment.
Slides 8 and 9 are especially attractive because they contain links to outside websites where the students can play games on food webs and food chains. Slide 10 is also particularly entertaining because it has a link to a YouTube video that plays a song including vocabulary and important information about ecosystems to the tune of a popular rap song.
Here is the link:
DeleteI have so much fun with the food game
This presentation is intended for a Pre-kindergarten class filled with three and four year olds. The presentation is about farm animals. It includes different animals on the farm, videos about the noises farm animals make, a game to find the different farm animals, and a song that the children can sing. The goal for this lesson is for the students to get an understanding of farm animals. I want them to understand what they look like, sound like, and in one of the videos I have on slide 9 talks about the different animals and what they do on the farm. In the Common Core Learning Standards, it discusses how these students should know about living things and it also discusses how students should know about community helpers. A community helper involves a farmer.
ReplyDeleteI have four slides that are very interesting and find that the students would really enjoy! Slides 9 and 10 are great videos that the children will loved to be engaged in. Slide 11 is a fun interactive game that the students could play on a smart board and slide 12 is a fun song for the students to learn but also learn about the farm animals.
Great Job, Meaghan!...colorful and age appropriate.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteRobert Regina - EDE-5611 - SUMMER 2013
ReplyDeleteThis is the LINK to my Presentation on authorstream:
11th Grade U.S. History and/or 8th grade U.S. History.
The Great Depression of the historical 1930’s, was undoubtedly the driving force of our economic lifestyle today. While many events in American history advanced our growth as a society The Great Depression molded our social-being into what we are today as a nation.
The central theme of my lesson plan would be to have the students understand what this economic depression was beyond just words in a textbook. They should come out of the lesson with a clearer understanding of the dynamics of the economic markets and how they affect the lives of each and every citizen even if they are not investors. In fact, the students should learn that the poorer people are the most exposed to volatile economic changes, while the investors have protections in place to weather the storm.
I want to bring the daily lives of the people who lived through this era in focus. The lesson plan should bring into the forefront of the theme, the social adjustments that were necessary by every citizen during this crisis, and the unforeseen change that came over them so quickly, while discussing the political and economic aspects as the backdrop.
As High School students, by this time in their educational journey, they must have heard and become familiar with the terms depression, stock market crash, or economic downturn, but it is likely they have decoded these terms as words, and not investigated them as pragmatic events. As High School students, they are at the cusp between adolescence and adulthood, and my hope is to provide a lesson of pragmatism and concern for the social welfare of those around them. Students at this age can only gain from realizing they are part of a larger social order that needs their endowed talents as much as they need the shelter within humanity.
1) Video clip of FDR Speech.
2) Pictures & Graphs
3) Interactive Jeopardy Play is located on the last slide. Just click on the slide and it will take you to an Interactive Jeopardy.
Robert Regina - EDE 5611 - SUMMER 2013
What a great Job! I enjoy every single part and I learned even more about the great depression. The Jeopardy part was fun! Your students will enjoy it!
DeletePlease grade this one instead. I forgot to add citation slides on the last hyperlink I pasted in my previous comment.
Thank you!
The following information being presented is for a 7th grade Social Studies class. The topic of discussion is Westward Migration and the components that made up that mass movement/exodus. The topics being discussed will be the term manifest destiny what that meant to Americans during that time. The impact it had on native americans. Lastly, the Gold Rush and why they was such an important and historical event in US History. The powerpoint point contains various slides that contain interactive features that allow students to get up from their desk write there answers along with participate in a few interactive activities. One being a vortex activity and the other being a lesson wrap up jeopardy activity which is a lot of educational fun. I have also included a few video clips for my visual learners that give an overview of westward expansion lesson. The link to my presentation can be found by clicking
My goal was to take material and make it as interactive with student centered focus being priority.
Thank you for sharing your presentation. It is an interesting topic.
DeleteThis presentation is intended for a third grade science class with students ages 8- 9 years old. The presentation is about the life cycle of a butterfly and the different stages they go through. This presentation includes vocabulary words that students should familiarize themselves with along with their definitions. Before we would begin this lesson I would start off with the K-W-L chart to see what the students already know, what they want to know and at the end of the lesson to see what they have learned. The goal of this lesson is for the student to be able to identify in order the four different stages of a butterfly’s life cycle. I want them to understand what each stage looks like and what happens during that stage.
ReplyDeleteSlides 9 and 10 are especially attractive because they contain links to outside websites that the students would really enjoy. Students can test their skills on slide 9 to see if they remember the correct order of the butterfly’s life cycle. On slide 10 students can listen to a butterfly song that is to the tune of a popular pop song today. Also on slide 10 students can watch a short video clip that goes through the different stages of the life cycle.
Here is the link:
Great job! the song was actually funny!...I can see the kids laughing while learning.
ReplyDeleteI fixed the slides were the pictures and bullets were distorted. Please take a look.
Dr. Morote,
ReplyDeleteThe link is to my lesson on the Hydrologic Cycle. The lesson is part of an Earth Science requirement. I have use the lesson for grades 9/10. I am proud of the transition and creative use of picture to review material at the end of the presentation. This is my first time up loading to a sharing website. I must admit, I am feeling a little exposed. Hope all enjoy.
Good job with the Hydrologic cycle. Now you can share this with the world. I would add some music background or voice over, if you plan to use it in a online lesson or at home lesson.
ReplyDeleteThe PowerPoint Presentation, “The American Revolution” was created for 4th grade students (9-10 years old). The slideshow focuses on the topic of the American Revolution. In this unit, the students will learn about why the war began, the important people involved, the major battles, and the results of the revolution. The goal of this presentation is to introduce the students to the topic and provide them with some background knowledge of the subject matter before we begin this unit of study.
ReplyDeleteThis presentation includes many features such as animations, transitions, clipart, pictures, and links. In slide 3, be sure to check out the link to a short video about the American Revolution (it is very interesting). I also included a moving clipart in slide 3! I found the background picture on slide 4 to be remarkable. It shows the bottom of the harbor after the tea was dumped in it during the Boston Tea Party. Slide 11 includes a link to the history website.
**After posting my presentation to Authorstream, I was disappointed to find out that the font and some transitions/animations did not transfer over from PowerPoint to Authorstream.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteThis presentation is an interactive slideshow on learning about penguins. The lesson is for Kindergarten-1st grade, ages 6-7. The teacher will be presenting a thematic unit on Penguins and the students will learn all about penguins. The teacher will begin the lesson with a K-W-L chart to gain the background knowledge on what the kids know about penguins. There are a wide variety of penguins from different parts of the world and I focused my lesson on one particular penguin, the emperor penguin. On slide 3 there is a list of penguins and if you click on the penguin it brings you to a link with information about that penguin. The students will learn the parts of a penguin, label a penguin, a variety of vocabulary words that are important to know and about Antarctica. The slides are meant for the teacher to interact with the kids using the internet on almost all of the slides. On slide 7 about Antarctica the link brings the students to an interactive book about Antarctica which allows them to watch and listen about the continent. On slide 9 the scavenger hunt is fun because the kids will incorporate their letters as well as learning to explore a website. My last slide 10 has great puzzles, games and different activities for the kids to play to make it enjoyable. Please enjoy!
This presentation is about the different parts of a plant. This presentation was for 4th graders with various special needs. I have use very similar powerpoints with my students and they do great. The student will have had review prior to this presentation about plants. My classroom needs a lot of reviewing of the same material in different ways. On one of the slide is a brainpop jr video that all of the student love. I have an account through my school. Brain pop is a great fun resource for many videos. It also has a quiz and activities at the end of the videos. Brain pop has two sites one for older student and one for younger students. ( brain pop & Brain pop jr) I enjoy using them as a support in my lessons. I hope you enjoy the presentation.
ReplyDeleteThis is a lesson on bullying for middle school aged children.
This presentation is to give students a better idea of what bullying is and more information on the topic in general. Many students don't realize that teasing is just as much bullying as it is to cause someone physical harm. There is a video attachment to one of the pictures in order to give students an idea of how much bullying seems to be ignored it is called the 'bullying experiment' and I think every student should have a basic understanding of bullying and information about the types, what they are, and who to turn to; this powerpoint is constructed to give students all of that information.
Features: Slide #9 has a hyperlinked picture to a video clip. All slides have transitions as well as animations for the text that are on them. The last slide contains numerous hyperlinks for you to explore. There are also a few different clip art images on slides for you to look at throughout the powerpoint.
ReplyDeleteMy PowerPoint is based on the life stages of the dragonfly. The dragonfly goes through 3 stages. The egg, nymph, and adult stage.There are plenty of pictures of each stage with details included. On the last slide of the PowerPoint there is a video that shows the life of a dragonfly and as well as a narrator going through each detail. I made this PowerPoint for third graders and ages between 7-9.
The link to my power point presentation is:
My power point is geared to students in 3rd grade. Their ages range from 8-9. The power point is about Native Americans, some of the different tribes, cultures, important people, and books and movies that incorporate Native American traditions and beliefs. Some of the cool features I have are on slide 7, I have one of my favorite books and a link to a youtube video that reads the book to you. Also on slide 10 I have a picture and description of the movie Pocahontas and a link to IMDb which tells more about the movie, the characters, the actors, etc.
My PowerPoint is based on music throughout history! I went a little bit off of the topic I chose for my weekly newsletter assignment. I included a lot of musical excerpts so that students could hear what every different musical era sounded like! I personally really like the transitions from slide to slide! At the end of the PowerPoint I included an activity to do in class to get the students to discuss the PowerPoint themselves. The intended grade level for this PowerPoint would be a 6th grade music class.
Living Things
ReplyDeleteThe lesson is a starter for the unit on cells. The focus is on the four major characteristics of life. This lesson is gauged for students in 9-12th grade who are taking living environment and will take the june regents. There is a video link to help give students an overview of what they will be learning.
Slide 3 - Hyperlink video
Slide 4 - Flying text
Slide 5 - Animated Picture
Slide 6 - Animated Picture
Slide 8 - Animated Picture
Slide 9 - Animated Picture
Here is my link to my presentation:
ReplyDeleteThe grade for this presentation is first age and an age range from about five to eight years old. This presentation is about the four seasons and weather. Its purpose is to introduce the idea of changing seasons and weather to the students. Included in the presentation is interactive websites that can be used to engage students, as well as, a poem, video, and pictures.
Slide four: I linked the title to a website that allows the students to correctly identify items that fit each season.
Slide seven: The picture of the four seasons is linked to a BrainPOP video on the four seasons.
Slide eight: I included two sound effects for rainy and windy.
Slide eight: Linked to a website where you have to dress the bear according to the weather.
I enjoyed changing the backgrounds to some of the slide to make it fit the topic and be more colorful. It was easier than I thought to hyperlink words or pictures to a website.
Link to presentation: https://www.slideshare.net/secret/8STn7NBh64Slbj