Monday, November 5, 2012

Podcast for Learning and Teaching

This summer, I decided to ask my doctoral students to prepare a podcast about different topics about teacher leaders, school leaders, and assessments as part of the major assignment. I asked them to research the topic, and use research and experience to discuss the topic in a podcast style. Some of them added to "case studies" and other creative things, like background music to their podcast. The final product was posted in Dowling Leadership site It was a learning experience for my students and for me. I had one day to learn how to use Audacity - a free software for podcast, and how to edit it. My students learned by themselves reviewing the manual and some youtube videos. Previously, I participated in a research with a colleague Dr. Beard, analyzing the effects of podcast in learning. We published the article "Using Podcast With Narrative Pedagogy: Are Learning Objectives Met?" published in the Journal of Nursing Education Perspectives. I can say, podcast are effective. I use at least once in the semester in my classes. Sometimes I ask the students to listen a already prepared podcast, or sometimes I prepared it myself. I have to admit, some of students are not familiar with my accent. They take some time to get familiar with it!!...but sure they have a big laugh of it!...Did she said that? I always joke that I am helping them to developed more their left side of the brain. The effect is always good. Because they will remember the material. I am currently using other people voices in my podcast. Do you see yourself using podcast in your lessons? or while you learning something?