Thursday, December 6, 2012

Copyright and Digital Citizenship

Digital Citizenship. What does this really mean? What is important for teachers and students today is to understand copyright rules. We all have been there. We find something that it is great for our class or speech or lecture...and we are ready to use it! Hey, it is in the Internet, so it is available, right? How come we can't use that video, podcast, music or a map that will enhance my lecture for our students? Here is the issue. There are copyright laws, and you should a) acknowledge where this information come from and b) pay a fee to use (if that is required). HOW DO YOU KNOW WHAT IS LAWFUL OR NOT? You can use this chart that quickly will guide you in some important points that you should know before using something: http: // A few days ago, I was an honorable speaker in the Latin American International Trade Forum. They asked me to talk about the state of competitiveness on Latin America. To prepared for it, I used a) Competitiveness Report 2) Current News 3) Some videos. I watched the videos to get ideas for the style, but I did not use it in my presentation...but I did get ideas from it, Should I acknowledge it? I worked on the presentation until 2 AM to have the perfect lecture. I analyzed several Latin American countries and used it to discuss competitiveness.
I knew that tv reporters and several experts will be there, therefore I was careful that all my comments or analysis are based on serious research. I gave the presentation, and it was phenomenal. At the end, several people asked me for the PowerPoint presentation. I said, sure, I will email you the last version (I wanted to make sure I had all slides properly cited). I did not think that I needed to put citations in each graphic but I put only one at the beginning of it to refer all. One person took part of presentation and posted it in a website, but they cut out all information about other countries, they wanted a specific country (don't blame her/him). However, when they reduced the presentation, they deleted the slide that have citations..YIKES!!! DOUBLE YIKES...!!! I can have a copyright issue here!!! I asked them to take the presentation down from the Internet, and I promised them to send then a new file with only their country - with the appropriate citations. No damage was done. What do you think? Have you been in a sitation like this?

Monday, November 5, 2012

Podcast for Learning and Teaching

This summer, I decided to ask my doctoral students to prepare a podcast about different topics about teacher leaders, school leaders, and assessments as part of the major assignment. I asked them to research the topic, and use research and experience to discuss the topic in a podcast style. Some of them added to "case studies" and other creative things, like background music to their podcast. The final product was posted in Dowling Leadership site It was a learning experience for my students and for me. I had one day to learn how to use Audacity - a free software for podcast, and how to edit it. My students learned by themselves reviewing the manual and some youtube videos. Previously, I participated in a research with a colleague Dr. Beard, analyzing the effects of podcast in learning. We published the article "Using Podcast With Narrative Pedagogy: Are Learning Objectives Met?" published in the Journal of Nursing Education Perspectives. I can say, podcast are effective. I use at least once in the semester in my classes. Sometimes I ask the students to listen a already prepared podcast, or sometimes I prepared it myself. I have to admit, some of students are not familiar with my accent. They take some time to get familiar with it!!...but sure they have a big laugh of it!...Did she said that? I always joke that I am helping them to developed more their left side of the brain. The effect is always good. Because they will remember the material. I am currently using other people voices in my podcast. Do you see yourself using podcast in your lessons? or while you learning something?

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Flipped Classrooms...Really?

Flipped Classrooms...I heard it last summer! One of my students wanted to do a dissertation in flipped classroom. Flipped? it sounded like a using a flip camera or something.. After she explained me what it is, and how effective it is, I become interested on exploring it more and more. It seems like it requires some preparation, and you have to move some of the traditional class time (such as explaining concepts) outside of the classroom, and use the class time to follow up with activities or questions. I have researched this subject further. I have to tell you, the concept is not new. We have been using podcasts during the last years before class. Now this is video. What is new, is the content of this video, and the follow up in the classrooms. It is all about how we organize our lessons. Flipped classroom have demonstrated that increase learning!...Watch this TED video: Flipped classrooms has some advantages and few disadvantages. Some of the critiques is that teachers are assuming the students will have computers and internet in their houses. I do believe learning to use the flipped technique correctly is key to having a successful flipped classroom, and do not confuse it with simply showing a video to the student.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Blogging and teaching

It took me a while to decide to use blogging for teaching. My major fear was that English as my second language I may have some grammatical mistakes and the whole word will see it! I would need someone to proofread my posts every time I write something. Let's face it, I don't have a proofreader 24/7. I have to overcome my own fears. Other teachers have different fears, such as the fear of talking to a larger audience is one. Another is the fear that someone can use their words against she or him or and try to sue them.However, because teachers want to motivate their students to learn in different ways, I believe those fears go away when they learn the benefits of blogging. When we read our students postings and we see how they develop critical thinking while writing their ideas, opinions and answering other people blogs. The rewards of seeing this effect will overcome any fears that you may have with blogging. One of my favorite teacher blogger is my former student E. she took the blogging for teaching to another level! I actually got ideas from her. She has created a database of her students work! Very valuable. What can you blog? Well, you can blog just about anything or a specific topic. Blogs are useful and and bloggers provide valuable information from it. For example, I am in Disney world right now.. Yes, I am sitting in front of a pool blogging! Before coming here I talked with my fellow blogger RB, a professor who blogs about Disney. He gave me so many tips, such as download apps to check waiting times in the lines. Fabolous! I have saved time, that I can use for to write this blogging! And you? Do you have a blog? How do you use it?

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Technological Changes for a Leader in a Global Economy

While I was teaching a class in Organization Theory, we discussed several aspects of it, such as conflict resolution, decision making theories, leadership styles, motivation and others. I asked myself how all this theories would fit in the world that technology is constantly changing, and people are constantly adapting to it. How a leader or a e-leader as someone is called to deal with this constant change, and he or she will use it in the favor of the organization she is leading. Pulley, et al. (2002) used the term “eleadership”, however several researchers, including myself do not think that adding the “e” would make it a different leadership. Leaders have always dealt with several kinds of technologies in different eras. Technology has traditionally played a very important role in facilitating protest, for example; the early anti-communist protests in Poland were facilitated with the help of the Xerox machines! and now Iranian twitter users have used technology to protest. The devices or the technology changed the way we communicate.  In the last decade, we have seen technology play a crucial role in helping people gather and, most importantly, get heard. To learn how leadership reacts to technologies or vice versa. 
I personally believe that "There is a bi-directional causal relationship between leaders and their environment. Leaders are influenced by the environment but in turn they can influence their environment.", I would like to invite you to Share your leadership and technology story. Describe a case in which you have been challenged by technology in your field of work and how you dealt with it.

Virtual Trips - Peru

Have you ever thought about using Virtual Trips in your classes or with your Friends?
I have been to Thailand, China, Jerusalem, and other places and have not spent a dime in visiting can this can be? Well, Virtual Trips. Although I won't ever say that it is a replacement of a physical  experience, It can be an alternative for some people to learn about other places that it would  be difficult to visit. For example, a virtual trip to space, where we can actually talk with the astronauts while they are on duty!!...what an experience!
Also, I have presented several papers in a peer review conferences in a virtual style. How does that  work? Well, you can tape your self, or your presentation, and you can have live discussions or asynchronous discussions with the attendees. Isn't that fantastic? One of my favorites places to post virtual presentations is conferences. In this organization you can present virtual papers as well as a in-person presentation.
Today, it is July 28, for most of you, could be like any other day, but for me, it is special, I grew up in a wonderful country in South America, called Peru. On July 28, I have friends and family, and people in the streets, telling me "Feliz 28" Happy 28. It is the independence day. I left Peru in 1990, but I always have friends and family who still call me and connect with me to tell me "Feliz 28" and I do the same. I want to invite you to visit this country, right now, yes, right now, by watching this video...This video is divided in three sections
1) Costa = coast - that shows the culture, sounds and places of the coast, that is where I grew up...close to the beaches, and dancing Marinera (see the people dancing with white customs). I love Marinera, my heart races at the beat of its music. You can also see the Afro dances. A great combination of cultures in to one: Peruvian.
2) Sierra = Andean Areas. This is where my family settled first when they moved from Europe to Peru, so I can say, my heart is Andean. Most of the Andean People speak "Quechua", which is the language the Incas spoke before the Spanish people came to Peru. You will see the dances are  more colorful, with customs.. wonderful views, and of will see Macchu of the wonders of the world...
3) Selva = Jungle. Oh my, I lived some years in the Jungle, it was one of the happiest moments in my life...eating the food, sharing moments with the natives, and understanding that life is unique when you are close to nature.. a wonderful place-- watch it here:
Enjoy, and "Feliz 28!"

Thursday, June 21, 2012

The importance of instructional technology in education

A first year doctoral student commented in class. "I don't want to do a dissertation about virtual classrooms or electronic boards, because in three years from here, we may not have electronic boards!" He was right, right in the sense that instructional technology changes dramatically. Every year, I have changed the curricula of my Instructional Technology courses. I keep learning, and applying it more and more. My best advice for students, who will be teachers, is to learn what is new and decide what fits them, and their teaching style as well as their students learning style. The big question is, if technology changes so fast, what is its role in Education?  Should it have a role at all? 

As a researcher, I always use materials, or techniques that have shown effectiveness. Then, most of my decisions on what to use or not, are based on research. I am passionate on how technology facilitates learning but never obsessed, sometimes I use blackboard and chalk to teach.  I believe we have to change our presentation techniques in each class so we motivate the students and keep them engaged. A few years ago, I wrote a short article about Technology Closes the Gap between Students’ Individual Skills and Background Differences published in Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education proceedings in 2004. It was a discussion that a specific software help students of different backgrounds to excel in Physics. I wanted it to be used in every single school. I saw using research, how students with careless preparation compete with students that have received a better preparation.

The key point here, is that yes, there is role that instrucional technology plays in education. As teachers or professors we are ready to use anything that help retention, learning, and stimulate our students brain and critical thinking. The key point is to use it based on research and not in "fashion wave", specially that budgets are limited. Always check the cost/benefit analysis. And my last comment, if technology helps to close the gap, it definitely plays a role in education.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Webquest still rocking!

Webquests, Webquests....why they are so "inn" until today. Bernie Dodge, a professor of educational technology at San Diego State University, has been cited by eSchool News as one of the nation's top 30 educational technology innovators. The idea is so simple, I wonder why I did not come up with that first!....When I used it in my doctoral level classes, my students love it!. It was so popular for k-12 students, why doctoral students cannot benefit from it!...and they did!. I created for students to learn to reiew a research paper. I have used successfully, and my doctoral students claimed they have learned a lot from it. if you are curious you can check it out at
Do you have a great webquest to show? I would love to see it!

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Presentation Software Online- what's new?

Here it is. How can I prepare a great presentation for my next conference?  I am talking about a jaw dropping presentation...something special. I am going to the Gross National Happiness conference. We will have GNH Ambassadors meeting to discuss how this indicator will be used in Vermont. After the conference, I am planning to work on a proposal on how New York can use this indicator. I will send this proposal to NY representatives. Big task. Believe me.
I am statistician, and I am also involved with happiness research. This indicator is the best combination to use both of my skills. The first time I went to this conference, It was like I was in heaven! Ok, Ok. Let's focus on today's topic which is preparing an jaw dropping presentations and where to post them, so people can enjoy it. I cannot go around sending my presentation via email (that's so 2009)....ha ha ha ...Here are the things to consider:
1. Length of the presentation. Short presentations are more effective. The average attention span for an adult is 20 minutes. But wait a minute. This is true if you are present for the presentation. But in my case I will be sending this short presentation. My average attention span to an email is 15 seconds (sorry guys!). Actually, that's average for most of us. I think that one minute presentation will be enough, and no more than two minutes.
2. Topic. This will be a research presentation, so I will follow the four golden questions (according to my friend Bran Vander Zahen). In fact, he wrote a pretty good article about presentations, you can read it  at
3. Design. color, letter size, sounds, and others. My best advice, be sure that people can read it without hurting their eyes!!
4. How to share it? Well that depends on your preferences and needs. There are so many websites that offer their services, for example:

You have to pick one of them. Apparently, today, the most popular is slideshare (see this article but I have used all of them with no complaints.  Some of them are FREE (that's what  I like!) and some of them you need to pay a fee. You can always convert your powerpoint to a video and then post it on (free), which is appropriate if your material is teaching related.
5. What if you want to do something else besides a simple presentation?
Well, then you can play with several presentation apps such as the ones in this website:, which includes the popular prezi and others. --Wow, too many options, right? I feel like a kid in a candy store (it is just saying because as a kid, I was not really into candies!).
ok. Now with this overwhelming information, it is your choice on what tools you will use to make the best presentation possible. My advice: Be wild!

Friday, May 18, 2012

Well, Well, Well, If you were wondering where I have been.. Here is my best answer: Writing my first book!.. and it is now published! you can see it at - I know, you may ask, what this have to do with technology? I have to tell you... a lot!
If I did not have my tech skills, I could not have published the Final War in a short time (although writing it took co-authors and me almost two years!).
When was time to publication, I found myself constantly editing. Each change in a published document cost extra money. Then I said. STOP. I can do this. And my adventure began. I have learned to use Dreamweaver to format the E-book version, use Calibre to transform it into Kindle version to be sell it in Amazon. I also have learned to use Adobe InDesign to prepare the interior of the book, Adobe Photoshop to review the cover design.
Don't think I did the production of my book alone! There was a team of book designers and artists working on it, but I was able to edit and direct them the way I wanted the book to look. I was involved in every single detail, color, pictures, size letter etc. You must see the cover, It looks beautiful!!!..
If you check it out, tell me what do you see, the cover has a secret message.
When  my co-author saw the book physically, she said, now I feel what God felt when he said "This is good" (when he finished his world creation.) She was  right! I have the same feeling!
Not only that, when I learned that a book trailer can can cost me 500-700 dollars...I decided to learn IMovie to prepare my own video book trailer-- you can check it out in the book website (click on presentations). Be sure have your volume on!
Now that I a back from Sabbatical, I am ready to teach new things and learn more new things, I am so excited! I want to re do all my lessons! will be part of this new wave of inspiration. Thank you.