Saturday, July 28, 2012

Technological Changes for a Leader in a Global Economy

While I was teaching a class in Organization Theory, we discussed several aspects of it, such as conflict resolution, decision making theories, leadership styles, motivation and others. I asked myself how all this theories would fit in the world that technology is constantly changing, and people are constantly adapting to it. How a leader or a e-leader as someone is called to deal with this constant change, and he or she will use it in the favor of the organization she is leading. Pulley, et al. (2002) used the term “eleadership”, however several researchers, including myself do not think that adding the “e” would make it a different leadership. Leaders have always dealt with several kinds of technologies in different eras. Technology has traditionally played a very important role in facilitating protest, for example; the early anti-communist protests in Poland were facilitated with the help of the Xerox machines! and now Iranian twitter users have used technology to protest. The devices or the technology changed the way we communicate.  In the last decade, we have seen technology play a crucial role in helping people gather and, most importantly, get heard. To learn how leadership reacts to technologies or vice versa. 
I personally believe that "There is a bi-directional causal relationship between leaders and their environment. Leaders are influenced by the environment but in turn they can influence their environment.", I would like to invite you to Share your leadership and technology story. Describe a case in which you have been challenged by technology in your field of work and how you dealt with it.

Virtual Trips - Peru

Have you ever thought about using Virtual Trips in your classes or with your Friends?
I have been to Thailand, China, Jerusalem, and other places and have not spent a dime in visiting can this can be? Well, Virtual Trips. Although I won't ever say that it is a replacement of a physical  experience, It can be an alternative for some people to learn about other places that it would  be difficult to visit. For example, a virtual trip to space, where we can actually talk with the astronauts while they are on duty!!...what an experience!
Also, I have presented several papers in a peer review conferences in a virtual style. How does that  work? Well, you can tape your self, or your presentation, and you can have live discussions or asynchronous discussions with the attendees. Isn't that fantastic? One of my favorites places to post virtual presentations is conferences. In this organization you can present virtual papers as well as a in-person presentation.
Today, it is July 28, for most of you, could be like any other day, but for me, it is special, I grew up in a wonderful country in South America, called Peru. On July 28, I have friends and family, and people in the streets, telling me "Feliz 28" Happy 28. It is the independence day. I left Peru in 1990, but I always have friends and family who still call me and connect with me to tell me "Feliz 28" and I do the same. I want to invite you to visit this country, right now, yes, right now, by watching this video...This video is divided in three sections
1) Costa = coast - that shows the culture, sounds and places of the coast, that is where I grew up...close to the beaches, and dancing Marinera (see the people dancing with white customs). I love Marinera, my heart races at the beat of its music. You can also see the Afro dances. A great combination of cultures in to one: Peruvian.
2) Sierra = Andean Areas. This is where my family settled first when they moved from Europe to Peru, so I can say, my heart is Andean. Most of the Andean People speak "Quechua", which is the language the Incas spoke before the Spanish people came to Peru. You will see the dances are  more colorful, with customs.. wonderful views, and of will see Macchu of the wonders of the world...
3) Selva = Jungle. Oh my, I lived some years in the Jungle, it was one of the happiest moments in my life...eating the food, sharing moments with the natives, and understanding that life is unique when you are close to nature.. a wonderful place-- watch it here:
Enjoy, and "Feliz 28!"